Tuesday, July 26, 2011

NFC technology the future!!!


I remember that during the first week of classes we touched a little bit of this kind of technologies, so while i was looking to lastly innovations I found this to be a really useful tool, and what I think is the best thing of this NFC technology application is that everybody can have it easily and quick. The fact that people uses more and more smart phones makes this application very convenient because in order to use it, people do not have to buy a new highly price device or something like that, just by downloading the app with the correct smart phone and that is enough.


during class we were discussing about who owns the internet and that kind of themes. I found this interesting interview, not about the person who owns it but about the father of the internet and his projection and his statements about what it is going to happen in the future with this incredible tool. down here the link to the interview.


word lens!!! really cool

I found this video really interesting in case you like to travel.


Monday, July 25, 2011

biometric security

i found very interesting what i learned about the biometric security and how a machine can scan and take information from our biological system in order to protect or to secure something else. I know the US government uses this kind of security in many things. a simple example is the way the use is with the immigrants and with the people who enters the country, i know this because when i when to issue my visa, the first thing the people in the embassy did, was to take my finger, hand prints, a picture of my face a a scan of my eyes. I found interesting also some way to avoid this biometric security systems like the one used by government in other areas. your driver's license contains biometric information about you. Your height, weight, hair color and eye color are all physical characteristics that can easily be checked. However, your height changes with age (16 year old drivers get taller, senior citizens get shorter). Your hair color changes naturally (and on purpose). You can wear colored contact lenses that change your eye color; everyone's weight fluctuates over time.

here are some nice links about this topic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CL3Mjn7uAnA

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8ghfI1LL9Y&feature=related     this one is good!!!!


Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Data Bases every where

A database is a data structure that stores organized information, usually associated with software to update and query the data. A simpledatabase might be a single file containing many recordseach ofwhich contains the same set of fields where each field is a certainfixed width. the data bases are something that have been improving and that have been changing in the same order computer technologies softwares applications and programs have changed. But these useful tools have been growing so much that the have become not only helpful, but indispensable. we can find data bases everywhere, and I believe there is not a day in which a person do not use a data base, at least here in the united states. we can find them in cellphones, banks, universities, social network, government, sports and even in grocery stores. they have become indispensable because in order to use a software and interact with the information we need this kind of organization.



Tuesday, July 19, 2011

big brother

This is just not right!!!

i was really amazed when i finished watching the big brother clip.
my whole perspective of internet and computer performance change. the fact that government and companies like google can track and check every single word that a person types into a computer is just incredible. It is understandable that the government is concern with information and details that can lead and stop terrorists, and that since the 911 tragedy this is a mayor concern for the country leaders, but what is not understandable is that the whole meaning of privacy is corrupted now, and that now a days privacy is just not even a real and complete value.

Every phone call, text message, email, search on the internet, every single post or tweet is information that not only is checked by the people is supposed to be checked, but also by other people like government, or like the secret room of at&t that receives every single move users do. this is just not right to me, i think is just not the correct way to deal with people information.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Evolution of work

It is a crude and really amazing statistic projection the one at the opening of the program, which ensures that fro the end of the century, there will be more than 19 cities in the world with more than 20 million people living in them. And I think it is a truth fact that cooperation and comprehension will be crucial for the humans in order to preserve peace and evolution.

My reflection about this clip is based on a key word, work.

I do believe that the work is a changing subject nowadays, and it is very important that people follow the evolutions and changes of how work is innovating. The way business work in this new era and with the new technologies, work opportunities are different than they were after, now people need to prepare themselves, increase cultural knowledge and even more important, specialize in certain subjects, according to their fields. I think a nice term to call this complication and innovation of the jobs is; globalization of work.

Competition is the key term in this new job era, the person who is more prepare and that keep improving and learning is the person so gets the best, more efficient, and better payed work. Another interesting fact is that the person who gets the best job is the person who tend to have a happier and more emotionally stable life. This implies that in this era, preparation means more than before, people with more knowledge and better preparation is and will tend to life happier lives, which at the end of most people philosophy of life is the most important. in this days and in the following years, the job is not only a way to get money and receive a nice check, work has a bigger meaning, it means stability and happiness.

When it comes to preparation and innovation on labor field, I think that the most important thing for workers is to get involve with technology. In this times, knowing how to use a software and understanding media and computer-innovations, and other kind of advances, is clearly a way to gain more job opportunities. technology is just an incredibly powerful source, it is amazing how world is changing and how easier and faster people want things, the kind of thing that innovations and new invents provide.

Something that attracted me since the exact moment I heard it from the clip was the statement that Dr.Leon Botstein did, in which he says that people love work not only because it provides money, but because it gives people a sense of personal value, it gives people a feeling that what they do is important, and they are important. this provides with emotional stability to workers.

While listening to Dr.Leon, I understood something that made me think a lot in how people is changing the way they interact with their jobs and how the people get prepare to it. Internet is an incredible tool which everybody is able to use, the constant applications that people gives to the internet is just something that makes the difference everyday. Cultural beliefs are changing is the cities, because time is a really valuable resource, and people who live in cities have less and less of it. The effects of this lack of time is reflected in the way people interact and perform their activities. people want thing done almost instantly. internet helps people to do thing faster and in this days, the work which is done faster is the best option.

Social networks were a crucial point of debate in the clip, it just really incredible how important social networks have increased their level of importance and utility. during the clip they talked about how they did a program for the city of chicago, a program to improve driving habits in the streets, but what is interesting of this program is that they used what they call "crowds", whey ask people from all over the world in massive way using the social networks in order to get ideas, and after a depuration process they use the best and most brilliant ideas to perform their programs. this is just one of millions of examples of how technology plays a fundamental role for human practices and work in this new millennium. 

To end my reflection I just want to express one important and I think fundamental evolution that is changing the way we interact with work, ecology.
during the last few years, ecology has become the important activity. Meaning that during thousands of years humans contaminated and perform mistaken practices that now days as consequence is killing the planet. The way humans now are trying to go back and perform an involution of contamination is changing everything. we live in a world where thinning green is a serious matter which is changing the way we work, live and interact with the nature. Thinking green is important, because jobs and our human nature ask for it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Opinion Facebook! Raul

Facebook is strong............


I think Facebook and google have many, many differences. even that they are both working one against the other with the new social network that google made in the last month. But my opinion is that they have different approaches to the people and that they have a lot of differences when it comes to relate to the audience.
for me Facebook is a little more personal, Facebook makes its own marketing by people to people which is according to marketers the best and most efficient type of marketing. also Facebook is strong but different from google+ because Facebook has much more experience when it comes to this kind of social networks, and they are I believe one step ahead of google because they keep innovating and working constantly so people do not get bored of the same things.
in the other hand google+ is something new, and new things attract people. It is a natural tendency of the people to be curious, and new things like google+ make people be attract to use it, and I think that if the people, that try this new social network, like it, they will stay with it and pass the voice.

Facebook has around 750 million users and it keeps growing every single minute. It is so big because of the availability and the consistency of the social network. It is also so big because of the quality of the system and because they keep innovating according what they study and they believe will bring and convince more and more people all over the world. Another important point  of why so many people is signed with Facebook is because people is invited by their own friends, so they can interact not only with estrangers but also with familiar faces which gives confidence to users.
and Facebook overtook myspace because myspace stop innovating and as a consequence of that, they became a weak system and went deep down. Facebook in the other hand Facebook was new and strong and people quickly change to this new version of social networks.

I think everything is possible and if a strong well organized and wealthy media social network do the correct things I believe they can overtake the market and the audience that Facebook has. But a lot of work and consistency should be used in order to do it. I think google has the means to do it because they do have a lot of money, they have the experience needed to do it(even more experience in the internet than Facebook), and more important they have the infrastructure needed to perform a strong switch in the social network market.

Facebook  is such an obsession because it is personal, it is personal, it is people you know and also people you do not know. and Facebook is an obsession because everyone uses it. it is like a psychosis, one gets in it and all their friends gets on it too. another point of the obsession it creates is because of the availability and facility it has to create links with people and communicate humans in a very simple way.

I believe the movie is a very interesting film, I like the theme and how it represents the velocity and the consistency of how Facebook was created. i also like that there is not hero like in most of movies, which means that the production really tried to represent the good and bad things of the personality of the characters. I also like that it is a nice way to represent the creation of the social network instead of doing it  as a documentary(boring)

Monday, July 11, 2011

a little bit of tech

robots are very nice machines, ans since their invention people have started to think in the future uses and plans for robots. something that many people wonder if in some day robots will live in the world just like we do.
They can crank out cars, conduct surgery and win on “Jeopardy!” But in challenges of perception and motion that humans handle effortlessly, robots have a long way to go.

i think that robots are very efficient machines, some new one can even beat humans in many tasks but the reality is that when it comes to life situation, where intuition and human knowledge is requiered robor still can't deal as good as we humans do.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

mis class 4

it is being for several years a really big controversy the the question of who is more intelligent, the computer of the humans. since the invention of the computers this question has been around, many people even have had the idea that computers will someday rule the world and humans will someday be just worker or salves, this is. I think a little extreme but what is a fact is that computers have been improving more and more every single year that passes.

something i thin is very interesting is how a computer is the actual chess champion. this is just a fact that proves that computer are very powerful machines, the new computers are very convenient, and with the new inventions and programs, these new computers even can develop better in several activities than humans, but my point for this is that computers are build by humans, by people that employ their intellect and knowledge to conform these machines. So the reality and my position in about this interesting and controversial incognito is that computers still are and will be always just tools. never kings or masters.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

google colone

           Technology is changing, innovation and actualization are two really important matters for any company in order to keep power in the business.
Facebook as everybody knows is a monster when it comes to social networks, and google is trying with this new clone to compete with Facebook in order to gain some of the lost ground on that business.
My personal perspective and opinion is that google have the money and the means to do something much more interesting and powerful than just copy the idea of Facebook, for me this clone only rests credibility to the originality of google. but i am sure that google is enough powerful to make it work and gain back some lost space in the field.

Now something that I noticed is that this is only one of a bunch of innovations and new ideas that google came up in the last season which means that google keeps innovation as a main matter of the company, and i think that if they keep innovating like they do now, they are going to stay in the business for many more years.